Contour Gauge

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A contour gauge, also known as a profile gauge or contour duplicator, is a tool used to replicate the shape of an object or surface. It is particularly handy for copying irregular or complex profiles, such as molding trim, or intricate curves.

Contour gauges are useful in trades such as woodworking, carpentry, and metalworking.

Contour Gauge Key Features

Here are some of the key features of contour gauges:

  • Design: Contour gauges typically consist of a series of thin, movable pins or teeth arranged in a row. 
  • Usage: Users need to press the tool against an object or surface to copy its shape. The pins conform to the shape of the object, as they are flexible and can move to match the contours.
  • Replication: After the pins have conformed to the shape, remove the contour gauge and place it on the material. The pins will then maintain the copied shape, allowing workers to trace or mark the pattern onto the workpiece.
  • Cutting or shaping: After transferring the shape to the material, the workpiece is now ready for cutting and shaping to match the captured profile on the contour gauge.

Buying Contour Gauges

Here are some factors to consider when buying contour gauges:

  • Know the Material: Control gauges are usually made of plastic, metal, or a combination of both. Plastic gauges are lightweight and affordable, making them suitable for most DIY projects. On the other hand, metal variants are more durable and suited for professional applications.
  • Size Matters: Contour gauges come in various sizes with different numbers of teeth or pins. Choosing the right size depends on the range of contour shapes that a project requires. 
  • Depth and Range: Some contour gauges have a deeper measuring capacity. This allows users to measure deeper contours.
  • Flexibility: Look for a version with flexible pins that can conform to the object’s shape accurately. Basically, more flexible pins tend to provide better results.
  • Locking Mechanism: A locking mechanism is handy to secure the shape that requires measurement. It prevents the pins from moving and helps in transferring the contour to another surface without losing the shape.
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John Friedenbach

My initial goal, to provide a selection of tools, education and plans to the Beginning to Advance Woodworker has not changed. I continue to search the web to find new products and services. To bring those products and services to your attention.

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